Monday, October 15, 2012

Update new values for existing MySql fields without Overwriting

While updating the existing MySql table field value you may wish to preserve existing field value or my prefer to update without overwriting with new value. You may think of writing PHP code for getting existing value and append and store it to database with new value.

But there is a MySql concat() function. So you can append the your new value dynamically, function having following  pattern:



mysql_query("UPDATE `table_name` SET `field_name`=concat(`field_name`, ", new_value") WHERE `id_is`='3450';


id_is    ||  field_name

22       ||  (value+new_value)

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Display Mysql records in reverse order with descending order.

Category: MySql, PHP, CodeIgniter and Core PHP

                       While working with social media website I came across the scenario of displaying comments in reverse order. Such as, display the most recent comments at the end.



 Development view: 

                     MySql displays records either in ascending or descending order. Therefore, results would display,

  • the most recent record in bigining or
  • the oldest record in biginning.

The list will be in ascending or descending order as represented the following,

But our requirement is to display records in reverse order.  such as,

For Core PHP users:


    $sql = mysql_query('SELECT `id` FROM `tbl_name` ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 0,3');
    if(mysql_num_rows($sql)!=0) {
            while($out=mysql_fetch_array($sql))  {
                      $arr_list = (array) $sql;  //convert object arrays into arrays
                      // consider only 'result_array' element in an array :
                      $reved_rows_arry = array_reverse($result_array);  //Reverse the array elements
           foreach($reved_rows_arry as $row) {// Display the resulting array
                      $comment_text = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `tbl_name` WHERE `id`='.$row['id']);
    else {
    $out .="No records foind!";
    echo $out;

And, following code involves PHP - MySql in CodeIgniter framework:


public function disp_comments() {

This is the controller file with disp_comments() controller, which loads the Comments model and calls the dispcomments() method of the model.


public function dispcomments() {
                $comment = $this->db->query('SELECT `content_id` FROM `tbl_comment` ORDER BY `comment_id` DESC LIMIT 0,3');      
if($comment->num_rows()!=0) {
                                foreach($comment->result_array() as $out)  {
                                                //convert object arrays into arrays
                                                $comment_1 = (array) $comment;
//consider only 'result_array’ element  in an array
                                                //Reverse the array elements
$comment_rev = array_reverse($comment_array);
                                foreach($comment_rev as $row) { // Display the resulting array
                                                $comment_text = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM `tbl_comment_content` WHERE `content_id`='.$row['content_id']);
                                                $outout.='<!-- (Commentor Image) (Comment ) -->';
} else $outout.="No records foind!";
echo $outout;

type: "POST",
url: "<?php echo site_url().'/addpostcomment/disp_comments'; ?>",
                success: function(return_data,textStatus){

Friday, August 31, 2012

System Upgradation from 32bit to 64 bit

System Upgradation from 32bit to 64 bit:

My MD was facing the problem of slow system execution. So he discussed with us and we all planned and thought to upgrade the system.

Following things we considered:

  1. Upgrade the system RAM.
  2. Change 32bit System to 64bit.
  3. Change the OS.
  4. Install good antivirus.
  5. Scan existing storage drives.
 Upgrade the system RAM

           Existing system was having the RAM capacity of 2GB so we added 2GB more. Basically RAM increases the execution speed and loading time.

Change 32bit System to 64bit

There are two benefits by increase the bit capacity:
  1. More bits means that data can be processed in larger chunks which also means more accurately.
  2. More bits means our system can point to or address a larger number of locations in physical memory.
 32-bit systems were once desired because they could address (point to) 4 Gigabytes (GB) of memory in one go. Some modern applications require more than 4 GB of memory to complete their tasks so 64-bit systems are now becoming more attractive because they can potentially address up to 4 billion times that many locations.

Changing the OS

             Our existing operating system was Microsoft Windows XP professional v2002 with service pack-3. We decided the new Microsoft Windows 10

Install good antivirus

              We have installed Kaspersky antivirus to all systems for security. Our aim is to filter virus what ever data goes in and goes out of system.

Scan existing storage drives

           While taking this decision we taken backup of all important data to our external hard disk or separate partition. Those data might be having virus affected files. So first we have to scan thoroughly with installed antivirus.